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The Diary of a CEO: Returning from Maternity Leave – Week 8 – By Sarah Tucker

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Diary Entry: 2nd March 2024

I am someone who loves to be completely transparent.

But as a business owner that’s not always easy.

Sometimes it’s important to be working on things without announcing them so you can really analyse what needs to be done 🤔

Spend your time researching.

Tune in to what your gut is telling you.

And gather and analyse the statistics 📈

The Mortgage Mum is 5 years old in October, the day we took on our first ever Mortgage Mum Shelley Walker.

And my how we’ve grown. How I’ve grown.

5 years ago I was a shadow of who I am today.

Owning a business has forced me to grow up.

To make decisions that made me uncomfortable.

To break down and cry, and say “I can’t do this anymore”

But then pick myself back up again.

To argue with people because I am passionate about getting it right.

To throw my notepad in utter frustration because I didn’t know what else to do.

To have career highs.

And personal lows.

To learn that I physically cannot please everyone.

No matter how hard I try.

Least of all myself.

And most importantly….

That all of this is NORMAL.

That all of this is ok.

That all of this doesn’t mean you’re doing it wrong. It probably means you’re doing it right.

It’s just no one talks about it.

No one talks about the moments cash flow is tight.

And it makes you feel like a failure.

No one talks about the moments someone chooses to walk away from your business.

And you take it personally. Even though you know it’s not personal at all.

No one talks about the doubt you have when you’re putting yourself out there. The fears. The insecurities. The worry.

Those shadow parts of yourself that come up and trick you. Test you. And challenge you.

But we need to.

Owning and running a business is one of life’s greatest privileges and lessons.

But it’s not always easy.

If you are running a business, and you’re reading this, please know that the challenges often precede the growth.

Challenges create the rise.

The awakening.

They are the initiation to greatness.

To the moments that take your breath away.

To the moments that have you saying to yourself “wow. How did we do all that? With just a tiny seed of an idea 🌱”

And I’ve had plenty of those too.

More than I can count.

I guess in life and in business it’s a blend of experiences.

And you never really know what’s ahead.

So all you can do is trust yourself to do what’s right, when the moment comes to you.

That’s been this week for me.

And you know what. Trusting myself feels like a success in and of itself 🙏🏻✨

Onto week 9…..

Don’t the weekends come round quick?! 📅

From my heart to yours,

Sarah xxx

The Diary of a CEO: Returning from Maternity Leave – Week 8 – By Sarah Tucker