Essential Guide to Remortgaging
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Home » Essential Guide to Remortgaging
My new podcast episode is out now on all major podcast directories including Apple and Spotify.
In this new episode from The Mortgage Mum podcast, I tackle the subject of remortgages and why you shouldn’t be on the SVR!
“What is the SVR?” I hear you ask. This stands for the Standard Variable Rate, and is something I am really passionate about educating you on.
It can be super confusing to know what a remortgage means and why you need one. Hopefully after this episode, you will be clearer!
In this episode I cover:
– Why you shouldn’t be on the SVR
– What is a remortgage
– When should I remortgage
– Should I speak to a broker or go directly to my Bank?
– Why is it important to remortgage?
– How remortgaging can save you money
– Why your mortgage is so much more than just money
– How The Mortgage Mum team can help
As always, I aim to break this information down in a way that you will understand.
If you have any questions following this podcast please email I would love to help you!
Listen to The Mortgage Mum podcast on all major podcast directories. Please do leave a review and subscribe for future episodes.
Our beautiful intro and outro piano music was created and recorded by the incredible Zoe Alexandria –
Thank you for listening. Don’t forget to review and subscribe for future podcast episodes!
Sarah Tucker, Managing Director of The Mortgage Mum