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The Diary of a CEO: Returning from Maternity Leave – Week 6 – By Sarah Tucker

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Diary Entry: 16th Febuary 2024

So here’s the thing.

Not every week has bells and whistles attached to it 🛎️

Sometimes change and growth is subtle.

But that doesn’t mean you’re not making progress.

I walk my children to school every morning and it’s a ritual I love 🌳

Before I had Jack, we used to drive 🚗

I’d park in haste and rush them in and I’d always leave it to the last minute.

But since having my baby boy Jack, walking Sienna and Joshua to school is one of my favourite times of the day.

We talk, we play games, and we march to school no matter the weather ☀️ ☔️ ❄️

And this week we all felt a subtle shift around us as we did.

We could feel that the air was warmer.

We no longer needed scarves around our necks.

We noticed dew on the grass.

We even saw some hints of blossom.

I reminded the children how lovely it was to REALLY notice the seasons.

To really FEEL the change from winter to spring as we walk the same stretch to school each day.

And the same should be said for our own business and personal growth.

We are seasonal creatures at heart.

We are not always in our “Spring” or “Summer”, even if we want to be.

Sometimes there are times we need to shed. Hibernate. Hunker down. Collect information, or just collect ourselves.

And it’s important to remember that our seasons don’t always match others’ too.

And that can be quite triggering.

So if you’re someone who feels like you’re not in your Spring or Summer season, please don’t worry.

It’s ok. It’s all important.

It’s all necessary.

And without you really noticing it, you’ll one day feel that your “Spring” is coming back again 🌷

That warmth. That excitement. That ENERGY.

And when you do it will feel SO good. And totally worth the wait.

This week was that for me ✨🙏🏻

How was your week? And what season do you feel you’re in right now?

From my heart to yours.

Sarah x

The Diary of a CEO: Returning from Maternity Leave – Week 6 – By Sarah Tucker