The Diary of a CEO: Returning from Maternity Leave – Week 3 By Sarah Tucker

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Diary Entry: 29th January 2024

I didn’t write this on Friday because I was escaping it all with a long weekend in Center Parcs 🌲

And my god I am SO grateful I booked this break.

My soul must have known I’d need it so soon into the year.

Last week was a big one.

And I felt SO overwhelmed.

It’s hard now to pinpoint why.

It wasn’t one big thing… But a million little things.

And it made me realise it often is.

Sometimes the overwhelm is down to the sheer volume of thoughts being processed in your brain 🧠

On less sleep, with changing hormones…. and some powerful Full Moon energy going on too you’re sliding the slippery slope to overwhelm 🌑

But sometimes (MOST TIMES) if you lean into these emotional times, you’re about to turn a corner.

You’re about to discover some clarity.

You’re about to get an idea.

And then you’ll know exactly what you need to do.

That’s what I got on Thursday. A real light bulb moment and it all felt so clear 💡

Despite the messy week, I made a giant leap of progress.

And it got me thinking 🤔

Maybe the route to success is through the path of struggle, overwhelm, upset and anger.

Maybe they are the necessary ingredients to the finished piece.

Maybe, however uncomfortable they are, they are there to guide you.

So if you’re currently feeling upset or angry or completely at a loss….. trust me on this one.

You might be about to discover something great.

And maybe that was the only way you’d get there.

It’s hard to remember that when you’re in the thick of it though 🤯

So make sure you have your cheerleaders and guides who it’s safe for you to fall apart with.

Who believe in you and your mission enough to let you fall, knowing you’ll pick yourself right back up.

And you’ll be stronger for the fight.

I’m so grateful for my people last week. You know who you are 🙏🏻✨

And I’m so grateful to be feeling better and brighter today ready for another new week.

Onto week 4… Seriously it feels like I’ve been back for years! 🤣

The Diary of a CEO: Returning from Maternity Leave – Week 3 By Sarah Tucker