The Diary of a CEO: Returning from Maternity Leave – Week 12 By Sarah Tucker

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Diary Entry: 28th March 2024

When you’re having a baby you get used to counting your life in weeks.

It happens from the day you get that positive pregnancy test.

And doing these posts has me thinking the same way.

12 weeks is generally a milestone moment.

The 12 week scan.

The 4th trimester ends for Mum & Baby after 12 weeks.

And I have to say this feels like a milestone moment too.

It feels like the end of my “returning to maternity leave” chapter.

I am now BACK! Officially. Completely.

I am fully immersed in The Mortgage Mum.

Body, mind and spirit.

And I am LOVING it.

I feel like our home has adjusted to the change.

Jack has adjusted and is thriving. Sienna and Joshua are used to the new normal, though their new normal didn’t change all that much as I’m still walking them to and from school.

And most importantly, as the HQ of the family and the business….. I have adjusted fully.

I feel I’ve got the hours right. I am brimming with passion and ideas. I am making progress. And I’m happy.

So if you’re someone who is just returning to work and feeling wobbly. I promise you, it will get better.

Trust in the timing of any big adjustment in your life and career.

12 weeks is the marker 📆

Make small tweaks as you go through the transition phase of this time.

And if you keep tuning in and fine tuning you’ll notice a huge difference by the end of it.

Make sure you reflect at that moment, then set your mind to the next 12 weeks.

A lot can happen in that time. Believe me!

In other news this week I was a speaker at the Ideal Home Show, which was amazing.

We also found out we are finalists at the FRA Awards for Best Broker 🏆 As well as the Mortgage Strategy Awards.

We had our mini monthly meeting ahead of the Easter break and have seen the written numbers climbing dramatically since! 📈

And I had a big handover to do because I am going away for 2 weeks to the real life Disney World next week! Eeeeekkkk!

This trip has been on my vision board since before I had children so it feels emotional in the best way.

I had hoped to feel settled at work and ready for a break.

And I feel much better than that. I feel so EXCITED about work, itching to continue when I’m back but so BUZZING to make memories with my family.

The people who motivate and drive me to be better.

Without them, this all means nothing. And we must remember that along the way…..

The momentum can carry you away otherwise….

It’s addictive like that.

So happy Easter to you and yours. And I hope the first 12 weeks of the year have been good to you too.

From my heart to yours,

Sarah x

The Diary of a CEO: Returning from Maternity Leave – Week 12 By Sarah Tucker
The Diary of a CEO: Returning from Maternity Leave – Week 12 By Sarah Tucker
The Diary of a CEO: Returning from Maternity Leave – Week 12 By Sarah Tucker
The Diary of a CEO: Returning from Maternity Leave – Week 12 By Sarah Tucker