I’m a huge fan of manifestation. I have manifested many big moments in my life, and lots of small ones too.
The most notable things I have consciously manifested is…
My 4 chair turn on The Voice UK
Having J-Hud as my mentor and coach
Our loft extension, and the money for it!
A double rainbow on our Wedding Day!
My job in London, working for HSF
My beautiful daughter
The Mortgage Mum…
… and most recently I manifested a slot on ITV show, This Morning.
And I have proof!
Back in 2018, as part of a self-development programme, I recorded a Facebook Live as a manifesting exercise. I acted as if it was 2023 and told everyone what had happened to me in the last 5 years. As the video shows, I spoke about having a moment with my singing (which came true!), I spoke about launching my own company for women across the UK (which I did!), and I spoke about appearing on TV giving advice on mortgages (which has now happened too!). It was a fun way to play with these ideas, but little did I know how powerful it would be….
Within a year my incredible experience on The Voice UK had happened, and was identical to my vision. J-Hud even compared me to Mariah Carey, which I’d dreamt up while doing the school run!
But back to This Morning!
When I was a contestant on The Voice in 2019, it was the first moment I allowed myself to imagine going on This Morning. I spoke about it with my Mum, who is the biggest fan of the show, and she said “when you get on there, you have to promise to take me with you!”. We both used to get excited at the idea of them calling me once my 4-chair blind audition aired.
The moment came – my audition was aired on a Saturday night in January 2019, and it was one of the most incredible nights of my life. Not only was my audition shown, but I was the last 15 minutes of the show – the golden slot!! We felt hopeful we might receive press calls on Monday, as we were prepared for by the show…. but Monday came, and they didn’t ask me to go as a guest on any of the morning talk shows in the week following. I can’t deny I was disappointed, but I knew I had other opportunities for it to happen as I went through the rounds of the show. I was still hopeful!
I had it firmly on my mood board – a photo of Holly and Phil and the “This Morning” logo. And every time I looked at it, I imagined how excited I would feel when I got “the call”.
Well, for those who know my story well…. I never did get the call. My battle performance with Craig Forsyth aired in March 2019, and although I had won my battle with an incredible comment from Will I Am and Jennifer Hudson, claiming I was “one of the best singers who had ever been on The Voice”, by then I had filmed for the Knockouts… and I hadn’t made it through.
TV can change quickly! Craig and I were scheduled to be the last act on the show again, the golden slot, but due to the fact I hadn’t made it through the next round, the order got switched at the last minute and my performance was even edited down. Ultimately, the show knew that I hadn’t made it through to the live semi-finals, and so I knew deep down there was no reason to promote me further.
I was shocked to then discover that in an interview with Dan Wootton on Lorraine, they chose to show a segment of me singing at the Knockouts to advertise their new lifeline concept.
That felt HUGE to me! There I was! On Lorraine!
I had hoped it was a sign that I might get the Lifeline vote, and although I was prepared by the show to return, I was narrowly pipped to the post. I was devastated, but that’s a story for another day!
Shortly after The Voice ended, I launched The Mortgage Mum, and my dreams of appearing on This Morning felt like a distant pipe dream.
However, after a few years of building the business and growing it, I started to realise that perhaps I could still do it…. but in a different capacity! As my confidence as a leader grew, I started to dream big again. I spoke about becoming the female Martin Lewis, offering mortgage advice to the UK in a female voice, from a woman’s perspective, with a completely different tone of voice.
I put This Morning back on my mood-board, with a photo of Holly and Phil, the “This Morning” logo, my business card and a slogan cut out from a magazine that said “Here come the Girls”.
Looking back, I used Facebook Live videos to experiment with the concept of being on camera while I was a broker (before The Mortgage Mum and The Voice) and to improve my confidence in marketing myself. I think those regular “Facebook Live” videos helped me on The Voice, and I often got complimented by the TV crew for my relatable interviews and how “natural” I came across. I never knew if they were just trying to put me at ease, but then when I recently filmed a segment for the BBC I was met with the same comments.
And so, in 2022 I publicly declared my ambition. I wanted to stand next to Martin Lewis, giving mortgage expert advice on TV to the UK. I wanted to be asked to appear as a mortgage expert on This Morning. I put it on our meeting slides every now and again, and I referred to Martin Lewis often.
In the summer of 2022, I discovered a book by Roxie Nafousi called MANIFEST, recommended to me by one of my team – Sonya – and it made me remember how powerful manifesting is. It inspired me, and it also settled something within me that never understood why I could manifest a 4 chair turn, and couldn’t manifest winning The Voice! But more on that another time…
While on holiday in Greece, I took the time to really imagine This Morning calling me. I imagined a car coming to collect me, I imagined walking on set, and I imagined my phone blowing up after and the elation I felt while being driven home through London. It felt so real. Once I imagined it once, I let it go…… I’d put it out to the Universe.
I returned from the summer with a new zest for manifesting, and I decided my growing team was the perfect audience to experiment it on. I told them exactly what I wanted.
Little did I know, within a few weeks, I would get “the call!”.
We all felt the momentum building in The Mortgage Mum team. First, I was asked to go on BBC Radio in the summer, and the interview went across all major stations. I remember the team and I saying “TV NEXT!”.
Then the BBC asked to film a segment with us in the same week.
Then in September we were once again on multiple BBC radio stations, then BBC News as a pre-recorded slot via Zoom, which was aired in the major news programme at 6.30pm. Other team members started getting opportunities too via The Mortgage Mum for BBC Breakfast, ITV News, Sky News and BBC News. The mortgage market was a hot topic, and they were coming to us for advice! It was a dream come true for the business, and for each of us individually. It was what we had all spoken about happening. A female voice in a previously male dominated industry!
Then as we were doing non-stop media it seemed (in 1 week!), I got a text from Jeremy Vine on Channel 5 asking me to appear the very next day as their mortgage expert. I couldn’t believe it. Something I had spoken about for so long was happening. They were even sending a car to pick me up and I would receive hair and make up on arrival. This was the dream!!!! And somehow, even with my nerves, I DID IT!!!! I then went straight to Sky News after, all very last minute!
At the very same time, Martin Lewis was live on This Morning, and headlines hit the press that he had been “dumbstruck” and didn’t know what to say to viewers who had called in asking what they should do about the interest rates rising. People on Twitter voiced their concern that if Martin didn’t know what to do “we were screwed”.
But my message was different. I wanted to empower the UK and let them know they had choices. It wasn’t ideal, and we sympathise so much with the households who will struggle, but I wanted them to be equipped with all of their options. Among all the fear, I wanted us to provide some reassurance and calm.
The team started getting excited at the concept of This Morning asking me to appear on the show, as another tone of voice to add to the mix. A different approach to the same topic that had become so important to everyone.
I did plant a few seeds. I messaged Coleen Nolan who follows me on my singing page, but she didn’t reply. And I messaged the producer I had dealt with for ITV News and asked if he knew anyone at the show. He said he’d pass on my number.
I wanted to let the Universe know I was ready, and I felt more and more hopeful that one day in the future, they might call us! Sonya, my dear friend and fellow manifester, said to me, “it will be this year! I can feel it in my bones”.
The following week, on Monday, I was in a meeting with my business partner, Jamie, on Zoom. We were really getting stuck in, when he got distracted by his phone and said “Oh my god Sarah…. Look at your phone”. I said… “What? Why? What’s happened?!” thinking it was something negative. He said “Sar….. just look at your phone!”. So I did and I could see the Mortgage Mum Media Chat had gone nuts!!!! Saying “WHERE IS SARAH” “WHERE IS SHE” “SOMEONE CALL HER!”…. I’d had missed calls and so many messages.
I scrolled up and there it was…..
I’m not joking. The feeling that went through my body. I could NOT believe it.
I literally fist pumped the air. Jumped up and down. Screamed in utter joy and shock.
I could NOT believe it!!!!!
Jamie watched in absolute excitement and felt emotional for me. He knew how much this moment meant to me and even now he says “I will never forget that moment!”.
In the midst of a seriously difficult time for mortgage brokers, we had been given a moment of magic.
I called the producers back…. And it was real. They wanted me to run a mortgage clinic for the UK the next morning with, you guessed it, HOLLY AND PHIL!!!!
I hit record on the Zoom call I was on and called my Mum to tell her. She was coming to This Morning with me….. TOMORROW!!!! She couldn’t believe it!!!! I knew one day I’d want to see my utter shock at this happening, and I’m already so glad I did.
The next 24 hours were a blur. I was a mix of pure joy excitement and gratitude, as well as fear, nerves and “what if” thinking.
A car came to collect us at 6am, and we arrived at the studio at 8am. Mum and I were excited and overwhelmed on arriving, and we were thrilled when Mum was able to join me backstage after initially being concerned there was not enough room.
I was in hair and make up swiftly, and given a brief for the segment! Then we went into the green room. We bumped into Gok Wan, and we just LOVED looking round backstage at all the photos and Awards and dressing rooms and wardrobe room. I bumped into Holly on my way to the toilet at one point, and casually heard someone say, “Hi Holly” and I realised…. This is actually happening! I am about to go on This Morning! With Holly & Phil! LIVE!
In the green room, everyone was SO friendly, warm and welcoming. We chatted to other experts and guests of the show, and before I knew it the TV came on and This Morning was starting and there I was…. “Coming up at 10.20, a mortgage clinic with Sarah Tucker, The Mortgage Mum”.
Bloody hell, this was real!!
What felt like moments later, I was collected ready to be walked to the studio. They were kind enough to let mum come with me, and there I was at the side of the set watching Holly and Phil filming and taking deep breaths trying to calm my mind.
“This is it!”
I had experienced a moment like this before…. minutes before walking onto The Voice UK stage to sing “In my Blood”.
It’s a hard feeling to describe. You know you’re on the edge of an important moment in your life, but you have an overwhelming fear sitting by its side saying “what if you mess this up…. this is your moment”. Luckily, you also have a feeling deep within whispering to you “you’ve got this. You’re ready. Come on, here we go. Let’s do it”
And then you find yourself moving…
I was walking on set. I was smiling at the camera. I was sitting on the sofa. I was walking to the table. I was chatting to Holly and Phil. They were thanking me for coming on. I asked them how long the ad break was and Holly said “erm about 10 seconds, it’s a competition break now” and then we were on!
Bright lights, I was ON THIS MORNING!!!
The next 7 minutes flew by, full of adrenaline but also a deep desire to provide valuable advice and tips for those worrying at home who this could help! I wanted to provide some reassurance.
Then before I knew it they were thanking me, the cameras went off, and they both said how great I was. I felt HIGH AS A KITE! I told them this was a dream come true for me and that they’d been on my mood board for years, and they were so lovely. I asked if we could have a photo while my Mum watched in the background, and then I asked if my Mum could meet them as she was their biggest fan. They called her in “Quick Mum! In you come!” and she looked utterly thrilled.
Snap. Snap. A moment captured. And then we were saying goodbye and thank you, and looking at each other wondering if this really just happened.
More photos. Back to the green room, and we were both buzzing. Absolutely buzzing. We met Gino then, and he was LOVELY! And some other people. We were in our element!
We had a hot drink, and then headed out to our car to be driven home. And I had hundreds of messages. HUNDREDS!!!
I said to Mum – “I really want to take this moment in, as it is over before you know it”.
And I really did. I was overwhelmed with the love and support, and the fact people recognised me from The Voice really blew my mind. I received lovely messages from viewers who said I was a breath of fresh air, and that I really helped to calm them.
Still, writing this, I can’t really believe it happened….
As we got home and told my husband and my Dad all about it, me and Mum knew we’d had a rare and special day together that we’d always remember. And as my Mum left, she turned to me and said…
“Not many daughters can tick off something from their Mum’s bucket list… thank you for taking me. I love you special daughter”
And I felt utter contentment sweep over me.
This Morning was an exciting and thrilling moment for our business. It was a defining moment for me and my own personal development.
But it was also something more than that. It was a meaningful bucket list moment for my Mumma too…. And that. That means the absolute world to me.
And now as I sit here and write this blog I wonder….
What will we manifest next!?
Sarah x
If you have any mortgage questions or concerns, and you want to reach out to an expert who can help, please get in touch with The Mortgage Mum team. We want to guide you through these trying times, and we’re here for you every step of the way.
If you missed it, you can watch it here on The Mortgage Mum YouTube channel (where you can find other recent media highlights from The Mortgage Mum)…