The Diary of a CEO: Returning from Maternity Leave – Week 7 By Sarah Tucker

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Diary Entry: 19th Febuary 2024

This week was my first school holiday since returning to work.

And I must admit I always find February a funny one. The weather is rainy ☔️ and a bit grey.

And only 6 weeks into the year, the break can feel a bit too soon.

So this year I really wanted to keep it simple.

Fresh air, playing with toys and board games we don’t always make time to do, and activities like baking or visiting the library 📚

And tonight as we prepare for school tomorrow I feel like we’ve accomplished a great week together ✨

A lot of people ask me how I juggle work in the holidays 🤔

And let me tell you, it took a lot of practice.

But this was a key reason why I set The Mortgage Mum up in the first place….

So that women could do both WITHOUT saying sorry.

They could be there for their children when THEY choose, and still have a meaningful career that they love.

Flexible working is at the heart of what we do 🤍

However; flexing is a skill 👀

Requiring you to master TWO things:

Your time ⏰

Your mind 🧠

Your time needs to be planned in advance.

How many hours can you carve out each week? 🔪

And can you create time for yourself at different hours of the day? Such as early morning or evenings?

Once you have that time, you need to manage it. And execute it well.

Focus time is essential ⏰

No phone, no interruptions, no distractions 📱

With a set goal in mind.

Prioritise THREE things from your to do list each day. And IGNORE the rest.

Align your to do list around your current goals and don’t try to achieve everything at once.

Your mind needs to be focused. Positive. Productive. Clear 🧠

On what it needs to do and when.

Flexing also requires you to let go of the conditioning that says that working hours is the only measure.

It’s not.

It’s about HOW you show up and how EFFECTIVE you are in the time you have.

You can spend 100 hours doing something but achieving nothing.

Or 10 hours doing focused work and achieving AMAZING results.

That’s how we work here at The Mortgage Mum….. and it pays off.

I am proud to say I had a super effective week at work and I had a wonderful warm time with my children (most of the time! It was a Full Moon after all!🌙 )

I’m super grateful to be in the position I am. Where I get to choose. Even when it’s tough.

Once upon a time, this right here was the dream.

Onto week 8. The end of month 2. And I’m eager to see what happens next! 👀

Sarah x