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The Diary of a CEO: Returning from Maternity Leave – Week 5 – By Sarah Tucker

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Diary Entry: 11th Febuary 2024

Only 5 weeks in, yet so many small but important pivots are being made in the business 💥

This week has seen:

– Monday’s MM Monthly Meeting. We had some big announcements to make and some positive changes which have made the team feel really seen, valued and heard 🙏🏻✨

This is one of the number one motivators for women, at home and at work.

“Do you see me?

Do you hear me?

Does what I say matter to you?”

And we strive to make sure the answers to those questions are yes, yes and MY GOD YES 🙌🏻

These women are incredible.

But back to this week….

– I also had an in depth magazine interview that really got me reflecting on my own journey and the small decisions that have led to this moment 📰

– I recorded my first podcast episode since returning 🎙️

– We had a fresh new look to the website released as the start of our rebrand ✨

– And I went to a Reiki Reconnection day 🔮 on Friday that I must admit I felt really guilty, and too busy for, but was actually the best decision I’ve made for myself since being back to work

So let’s dive into this feeling of GUILT when we do something for ourself, even when there are lots of other things ‘to do’.

I booked into this course before I sat back at my desk.

I booked into this course before my role as MD alongside Mother swallowed me whole.

And on Thursday night I regretted it thinking of everything I had to do.

I had been officially ABSORBED. Just like I knew I would.


I am SO GLAD I did this for myself and attended! It was pure magic ✨ Suzanne Morgan

And even better, I got to share the space and reminder with my business partner and fellow Mortgage Mum Shelley Walker.

After all, this is where we met. This is where it all began many years ago.

When 2 broken tired women arrived at a women’s circle with open hearts and open minds 😔

Who learned some lifelong lessons that day that sent them both in new career directions and ultimately brought them together in this unique space called The Mortgage Mum that was a seed of imagination on that very first day ✨

Together we were reminded of the value of rest.

That we don’t have to EARN the right.

And that sometimes nurturing your body and soul is the best thing you can do for your business. And yourself.

Even if the patriarchy would lead you to believe otherwise.

Please, fight against that.

It’s not how women work best.

It’s probably not how men work best either.

And I’ll be reminding my team of this and so much more on Monday as we enter week 6…..

*Contented sigh*

How’s your week been? 🙏🏻

From my heart to yours

Sarah x

The Diary of a CEO: Returning from Maternity Leave – Week 5 – By Sarah Tucker