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Self Care Over Christmas

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Self Care over Christmas is the new episode from Sarah Tucker, available on all major podcast channels.

This is such a beautiful time of year, even in the midst of a Global Pandemic. But for lots of us, our own “self care” can be forgotten in all the lists, Christmas card writing, Christmas shopping, work, school stuff and food shopping!

In this episode, Sarah Tucker hopes to inspire you to gift to yourself a touch of self care this Christmas without the GUILT that so many of us carry. It is a trait of being a Mum, but one that we should be aware of and try to diffuse.

In this episode, you will find out more about:

  • How and Why Self Care is SO important, especially at this time of year
  • Inspiration for a new morning routine that will start your day the right way with time FOR YOU every single day
  • The books that inspired Sarah in 2020
  • Honesty and transparency about how hard it is to find the time!
  • Why we secretly love to be busy!
  • The books Sarah mentions can be found here:
  • The Miracle Morning

– The Universe has your Back

– Oprah’s The Pathway to Success

If you have any questions for Sarah following this podcast please email sarah@themortgagemum.co.uk or contact Sarah on social media. Alternatively, please head over to www.themortgagemum.co.uk or contact us on social media. We would love to help you!

The Mortgage Mum is a team of 20 female brokers based all across the UK. They are passionate, driven, enthusiastic women who thrive from helping customers achieve their property dreams. They educate, empower and they give an excellent service from start to finish.

Thank you for listening. Don’t forget to review and subscribe!

Our beautiful intro and outro piano music was created and recorded by the incredible Zoe Alexandria – www.zoealexandria.co.uk. Please check her out on social media. She is so talented.

If you would like to appear as a guest on The Mortgage Mum podcast please email sarah@themortgagemum.co.uk.


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