Krystle Ward
Senior Mortgage and Protection Adviser & Later Life Lending Adviser | Warwick, Warwickshire
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Krystle Ward
Senior Mortgage and Protection Adviser & Equity Adviser
| Warwick, Warwickshire
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Like many in Krystle’s industry, she didn’t spend her childhood dreaming of being a mortgage adviser. She didn’t know what she wanted to do, but she knew she wanted to help people. Krystle toyed with the idea of being a vet, but soon changed her mind when she recognised just how unglamorous the work would be. She also considered becoming a lawyer, but that idea just didn’t seem to grow legs.
After graduating university and spending a couple of years in Australia, Krystle found herself working at a building society. There she found people doing her ideal job, which combined her love of maths with the desire to help people. Mortgage advisers, who helped people with their biggest purchase and realise their dream of being home owners!
After gaining the CeMap qualification, Krystle left the building society to work at a large estate agency. She quickly became a top performing, highly rated mortgage adviser within the company. She loved it, but something felt a little off.
She didn’t like the target aspect of the job which involved ‘selling’ solicitors and ‘selling’ protection from a single insurer. The solicitors she was supposed to refer to were high volume and more often than did not give good experiences.
Krystle says ‘ The only target I didn’t hit and refused to hit month on month was the one for solicitor referrals, I know how much of a difference a bad solicitor can make to a purchase and how stressful they can make it for the clients. Now I only recommend solicitors who I know will do a good job for my clients and that’s only if the clients ask for a recommendation. The last thing I am is pushy and I pride myself in this. Now I can truly say that I put my clients first in everything I do, getting the best mortgage for their situation, ensuring they are protected from the range of providers we have access to and only working with solicitors and surveyors I trust to look after my clients well.’
As well as regular mortgages, Krystle advises on lifetime mortgages. Her goal is to help those in their later life and ensure they do not struggle to have the financial freedom afforded to those in the younger generation.
Get in touch with Krystle for a free consultation. She will take the time to understand your needs, offer advice in a clear and simple way and work with you to find the best solution.