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Credit Reports and Experian Boost

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Credit Reports and Experian Boost

In our new podcast episode we tackle the subject of credit reports and credit scores.

After appearing on BBC Essex in May 2021, Sarah had a lady come on the radio to ask lots of questions about credit reports and what they mean. It was clear that there is a lack of information out there to help you know what to do with your credit report, and why you need it!

So let The Mortgage Mum break it down for you….

There are 3 credit agencies – Experian, Equifax and Transunion (was Callcredit).

Each agency records details of your active and closed credit (bank accounts, credit cards, loans) and stores it in a report. The combination of data gives you a credit score.

Mortgage lenders generally use this data, and your score, to determine your risk as a client.

Each mortgage lender refers to different agencies, or a combination of them. As brokers – we know this information and it can make ALL the difference between you getting a mortgage approved, or not.

Not enough people are checking their report regularly.

There are sometimes incorrect data on your report, or accounts that should be closed – being aware of your credit report and score is super important!

The reports give us a full picture of someone’s credit, and how they use it.

This episode will educate you and hopefully inspire you to become more credit aware. We can’t wait for you to get your own reports regularly, and let us know here at The Mortgage Mum of any surprising findings you have!

Speak to an expert

We will work at times that suit you and your family, carrying out appointments via video call, telephone or email, giving you the benefit of first class service, around your own schedule, and in the comfort of your own home. So let us handle your mortgage today and find out how well we can look after you, The Mortgage Mum way!

As always, Sarah aims to break this information down in a way that you will understand.

Thank you for listening to The Mortgage Mum podcast, available on all major podcast directories including Apple and Spotify.

If you’d like to get an exclusive Mortgage Mum FREE 30 day trial with Check My File please use this link:


If you would like to apply for the EXPERIAN BOOST scheme I discussed please follow this link:


This can help you INSTANTLY boost your credit score!

If you have any questions following this podcast please email sarah@themortgagemum.co.uk, we’d love to help you.

The Mortgage Mum is a team of 20 female brokers based all across the UK.

They are passionate, driven, enthusiastic women who thrive from helping customers achieve their property dreams. They educate, empower and they give an excellent service from start to finish.

Our beautiful intro and outro piano music was created and recorded by the incredible Zoe Alexandria – www.zoealexandria.co.uk. Please check her out on social media. She is so talented.

If you would like to appear as a guest on The Mortgage Mum podcast please email sarah@themortgagemum.co.uk.

Follow The Mortgage Mum on all social media platforms:

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LinkedIn –https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarah-tucker-the-mortgage-mum-%E2%9C%A8-669898185/

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